
​Talking about Madden 21

I accept been arena Madden for 20 years. Adjusted for technology, Madden is far abaft the times, and it’s a carapace of what it should be.

The bold reflects added of the NFL absorber and Roger Goodell than the attending and feel of the absolute NFL.

In Madden, the fields are consistently green, the stands are consistently full, and there is not a HINT of animal dust in this game. Accomplished NFL amateur had anytime alteration weather, acreage and compatible degradation, and admirers who would be ghosts in the high accouter if the home aggregation was abaft by 2 TD’s with 10 account larboard in the 4th quarter.

There is not a scintilla of physique in Madden - and any fan who goes to a absolute NFL game, can see sidelines get engaged, affronted and activated if there is a actual change in the game. All Madden is, an evolving automatic physique simulation now, with EA is consistently able new features, but never in fact carrying bold alteration improvements or customizations.

I wish to play a Madden bold that looks and FEELS like the absolute NFL. I am a pro football division admission holder, I accept never anytime been to a game, area the sidelines were not in abominable appearance by the end of the game.

In Madden, there is no accuracy over time. The acreage in Pittsburgh is awfully bad because Pitt plays on Saturday, and Steelers on Sunday, but Madden’s Heniz acreage is consistently gorgeous….Cleveland’s amphitheater is earlier now… accustomed grass, but doesn’t attending any altered than the 49’ers which is cast new, and in a absolute altered climate. How apathetic can you get?

Atlanta is the abandoned authorization in the NFL area the majority of division admission holders are African American… in Madden, there is no adventure there, no feel for what this aggregation is, compared to the affluent Cowboy’s who pay 1/2M for PSL’s on a 10 year contract… compared to the airless feel of Tampa in a September or Blooming Bay in a WC agenda bold - if it’s ZERO alfresco and bits and bits are alarming beyond the end zone.

The NFL has 32 altered cultures, 32 amazing histories, and this adventure should be told in an innovative, acute 3D way by Madden… not by words alone, but in every aspect of the gameplay.

The NFL is aswell a agitated game, even this has been sanitized. In absolute life, some hits you can apprehend in the additional deck… this has never happened in a Madden game. Sometimes the commentators go, "OMG, did you see that?"

"This looks actual serious.” Players carted off should be adopting the thumbs up… or accept their hand’s over their face because of their anguish and fear. Crowds should accord them continuing O’s… it happens in absolute activity in about every bold but the way.

There should be some absent calls, with the commentators calling them out… traveling to alliance office… accomplish it REAL.

Commentary should reflect absolute time amateur stories, Mahomes came aback from a confused knee cap and won the Cool Bowl… not mentioned once. Annotation is apathetic and actually off appearance to the food on the field.

NBA2K has absurd commentary, absurd army scenes… and alternating commenters, the old ESPN 2K football bold had absurd annotation and halftime highlights… but we are ashore with "2 affected NFL analyst" subbing the name sakes of Madden and Summerall, Collingsworth and Michaels on and on.

When you play a video football game, you pretend you are allotment player, allotment Coach, and maybe, allotment owner, and Madden has acted like a archetypal association (who owns the football platform) dictating to its barter what EA decides to deliver, instead of alert and reacting to what the paying barter accept been ambitious for years.

A abundant archetype is the timing of the game. Football ends in February, but Madden makes its chump delay 6 months, and play a dried adventure of "yesterday’s news" until the July 31 release. Madden needs to barrage the bold about the draft, and accumulate it beginning with downloads and updates.

Madden aswell needs to let its users adapt uniforms, because this keeps the bold fresh, abnormally in the off season. so let the user be artistic and accord it’s aggregation the uni it consistently wanted… (College football ample this out a continued time ago) - but like I said, EA wants to amuse the NFL over its paying customers.

Seriously, if I wish to accomplish a agrarian awakening attending compatible for the Patriots - what aberration does it accomplish to you? I paid for the game, so why do you care? Accomplished football amateur accustomed for it, and it was cool fun.

Like a lot of gamers, I admired NCAA Football too, because it was added fun… the annotation was SUPERIOR…What I would like to see is EA’s CEO say - "We accept to change Madden, because we owe it to these gamers to accord them something in fact incredible” and we accept not.

Thank you for reading.