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​Madden 20: Aegis direction

Mar-12-2020 PST

Need some ideas. Active with the Broncos.

Current calendar is:

LE: Josh Allen

DT: Chris Jones

RE: Darrell Johnson (drafted amateur who’s 95 X-Factor)

LB: Chubb

LB: Justin Jones (drafted 85 X-Factor)

LB: Toronto Smith (drafted 78 Star)

LB: Chauncey Bayless (drafted 86 Superstar)

My bind is Jones is 29 and arrangement is up. My 2nd DT is Tae Fitch who’s a drafted 85 Brilliant and is abandoned 25 years old.

If I about-face to 4-3, Chubb’s canyon advantage is bad and Bayless’ is beneath average. If I stick with 3-4, I accept to either abandon Jones (for big $$) and accept Fitch ride the bank and decay his adorning years. Or I don’t

abandon Jones and run with Fitch. Jones is a 97 X-Factor and apparently has 2-3 years left.

Thinking of just absolution Jones go — can’t in fact barter him because of bacon cap hit.

Have a good time in